Plan a Trip to the Alabama Bass Trail

2022-12-31T13:45:44+00:00January 15th, 2023|

Winter often lulls us into a slump. The temperatures are dropping, the sun isn’t out as long and it feels like there isn’t much to look forward to after the holidays. Well, we’re here to tell you there is no slump in Alabama fishing! Mild temperatures can be found throughout the state, with averages around [...]

Visit the Mobile-Tensaw River Delta

2021-11-18T16:18:27+00:00November 18th, 2021|

The Mobile-Tensaw River Delta - one of Alabama’s “10 Natural Wonders” - has more than 20,000 acres of open waters for you to explore and fish. It’s the second largest delta in the United States and the perfect spot for you to cast your lure and reel in that lunker. The river delta also covers [...]

How You Can Make a Difference on Tourism Day

2021-09-13T17:03:16+00:00September 8th, 2021|

Tourist: A person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure.   World Tourism Day is September 27, 2021, and we’ve got a great suggestion for a tourist experience: Visit any of the 13 lakes and rivers of the Alabama Bass Trail. Whether you’re from the area or not, being a tourist can be so much fun! The ABT lakes [...]

Labor Day Getaway

2021-09-13T16:47:53+00:00September 1st, 2021|

Do you like fishing? Enjoy spending time by the lake? The Alabama Bass Trail is the place to be! There’s no better way to kick off September than by spending the long Labor Day weekend out by the lake. Schedule time with friends and family on one of the Alabama Bass Trail’s many lakes. Let us help you plan your long weekend [...]

Weekend Getaway

2021-08-19T14:58:56+00:00August 12th, 2021|

Need a quick weekend getaway to rejuvenate? Take a trip to one of the lakes or hit up multiple lakes along the Alabama Bass Trail. The ABT lakes are located all across Alabama, from the north to the south. Whether you are looking for a quick weekend trip nearby or want to combine the fishing fun with a road trip, you’ll find a [...]

June Is Great Outdoors Month

2021-06-14T17:12:07+00:00June 14th, 2021|

Great Outdoors Month. What a perfect time to explore the many great fishing opportunities of the Alabama Bass Trail! How many lakes and rivers can you visit in the space of one month? We have the tools and suggestions to make it easy to rise to the challenge.   Chart Your Course  The Alabama Bass Trail is mapped out for you so you [...]

A Few Weiss Words

2021-05-26T14:17:02+00:00May 19th, 2021|

For those of you whose families don’t necessarily share your obsession with fishing, consider a carefree weekend in the northeast corner of Alabama at Weiss Lake.  Three rivers – Little, Chattooga and Coosa – meet to form this lake, and that means there are plenty of great nooks and inlets in which to spend your day. You may know Weiss Lake for its [...]

The Alabama Bass Trail was Made for You

2021-03-15T16:40:00+00:00March 18th, 2021|

Have you grown up fishing or are you just getting started at this hobby? No matter what your level, the Alabama Bass Trail will provide an unforgettable outing. Each of the 13 lakes offers boat access, land access, fishing piers and docks. Catch bass, crappie, bluegill, catfish and more during your visits. Drop your line in [...]

Alabama Bass Trail offers more than just bass
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