New year, new you, more fishing! Get out on the water in this new year.

Many people make New Year’s resolutions to carry through the next 12 months. Maybe 2022 is the year you’re going to spend more time at the lake. Maybe your resolution is to take more time for yourself or to spend more time with family and friends. Whichever that may be for you, we think the best way to do it is by fishing on the Alabama Bass Trail

The ABT provides plenty of opportunities for you to escape your routine, get on the lake, and enjoy your time fishing. Whether you’re fishing for sport, to relax, or to spend time with friends, the trail is the place to be.

Among the 12 lakes and a river,  you will find many spots to call a home away from home. While you may have a favorite location that calls to you, we suggest getting around to them all. To discover the unique features of each lake, plan a trip that covers multiple lakes or spend all of your time at a different lake each trip. You’ll enjoy endless opportunities along the ABT.

Start 2022 off right by spending it on the water, fishing. We think more time along the Alabama Bass Trail is a great New Year’s resolution!