Docking can be intimidating, especially when winds are a factor. Read on for tips on how to dock a boat under differing wind scenarios.

Docking a boat when the wind is blowing toward the dock

  • Prepare the dock lines on your bow and stern.
  • Attach the fenders on the side of the boat that will come in contact with the dock.
  • Judge the wind and water conditions for strength and direction.
  • Approach the dock with space so the wind has the ability to blow the boat toward the dock.
  • Approach the dock with slow speeds.
  • Once you get close to the dock, reverse slowly to stop the boat.
  • Allow the wind to slowly drift the boat toward the dock.
  • Wrap the line that is attached to the boat around the dock cleat to secure the boat.

Docking a boat when the wind is blowing away from the dock

  • Prepare the dock lines on your bow and stern.
  • Attach the fenders on the side of the boat that will come in contact with the dock.
  • Judge the wind and water conditions for strength and direction.
  • Take your time.
  • Approach the dock with the bow at an angle.
  • Approach the dock at slow speeds.
  • Once the bow gets close to the dock, angle the wheel away from the dock and reverse slowly to pull the stern of the boat gently toward the dock.
  • Wrap the line that is attached to the boat around the dock cleat to secure the boat.

Remember to do a safety check before your day starts, and to always use caution on the water and in the boat. Happy fishing!