August is recognized as National Fishing Month, which makes it the perfect time and reason to celebrate out on the water.

You don’t have to be an experienced angler to celebrate. The idea of dedicating a whole month to fishing came from fishermen who love the sport and want to share this joy with others. The goals for this designation include learning more about fishing techniques and having fun.

How can you celebrate?

  • Fishing lessons: Instructors will be presenting classes and workshops on fishing skills and methods throughout the month. You could also ask a family member or friend to introduce you to some different angling skills.
  • Shop for bait and gear: What better excuse to get some new bait or fishing gear than National Fishing Month?! You may even find extra sales and discounts during this time.
  • Plan a fishing trip: Call up the crew and arrange your next fishing adventure. We know the Alabama Bass Trail is great this time of year.
  • Spread your love of fishing: Share a tip with a fellow angler or use social media to share photos of your fishing outings.

Since National Fishing Month is a time for education, read on for a few tips for the new fishermen in your life.

  • Get your fishing license
    Follow the rules for hassle-free fun.
  • Find the right gear
    Ask local experts at the fishing store to learn what kind of rod, bait or other gear you may need.
  • Practice casting
    Don’t get discouraged if you don’t get it right away. There are many techniques, so do some experimenting to find what works best for you.
  • Hire a guide
    A fishing guide can be very helpful to those who aren’t quite ready yet. It can be the best way to learn all the tips and techniques. They are also invaluable for helping you locate the best fishing spots and increasing your knowledge of the types of fish available in local waters.
  • Have fun
    Fishing is meant to be enjoyed. Have fun while making great memories.

The Alabama Bass Trail will be here waiting for you all month and beyond. Spend National Fishing Month out on the water with us and reel in a big one to celebrate!