National Fishing and Boating Week takes place June 4-12. This observance week highlights the importance of recreational boating and fishing and how to remain safe while on the water. It also helps experienced and new anglers learn about recreational waters in a variety of settings and how everyone can help protect them. 

Why is fishing important? 

  • Fishermen protect and conserve the bodies of water. They are usually the first to notice and report any incidents that can be harming the wildlife. 
  • Fishing keeps underwater populations at a healthy level. 
  • Consuming seafood helps feed a growing human population.
  • Water sports of all types encourage adults and kids to get outside. 

How can we protect the aquatic environment?

  • Conserve water. Every time someone uses water, it puts pressure on the sewer system. When sewer systems are overworked, they begin to break down, causing poor water quality.
  • Don’t litter. Properly dispose of trash and recyclables. Paper, cans, cigarette butts and other debris have no business being in the water. 
  • Keep fishing sustainable by following conservation rules. Don’t be part of the reason a species disappears. 

Celebrate National Fishing and Boating Week by getting your fishing license today.