Fishing on Neely Henry LakeNational Fishing and Boating Week runs June 614! Join the rest of the country in celebrating the untamed lakes, rivers and streams across America with a day or two on the water.  

If you haven’t already done sotake time now to get your fishing license and boat registration so you’ll be ready to go as soon as possible 

A great way to hone your skills is to learn from a professional fishing guide. For a reasonable fee, a guide will take you out on a boat, show you how to find the best places on a lake or stream based on the type of fish you wish to catch, and give you pointers on your technique. To find a guide, go to Fish Alabama, choose the lake you’re interested in, and click on Fishing Guide Services. 

When you are in or near the state of Alabama, make a plan to follow the Alabama Bass Trail and you’ll discover fishing and boating opportunities to keep you happily occupied for a lifetime. 

Gather your gear, get in your boat and get going! The days are getting longer and hotter, and the fish are ready for a fight!