Guest Blog: Lake Guntersville Eagle Awareness Week

2020-02-24T15:09:30+00:00February 24th, 2020|

If you are wanting to fish one of the Alabama Bass Trail Lakes to catch giant bass and see live eagles, then Lake Guntersville is where you want to go. For the past 35 years Lake Guntersville State Park has held annual Eagles Awareness Weeks. The park holds this event in 2-week sections in late [...]

Eagle Awareness at Lake Guntersville

2020-02-24T14:18:33+00:00February 7th, 2020|

In the mid-1980s, the United States population of the bald eagle was on the verge of extinction. This beautiful creature, the symbol of our country, had dwindled in numbers due to poaching and over-development of the bird’s natural habitats. An ever-growing need to help save the species prompted Alabama to create Eagle Awareness at Lake Guntersville State Park.   Observe and admire the eagles during the January and February weekend viewings and [...]

Alabama Bass Trail offers more than just bass
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