Natural First Aid: Jewelweed for Bug Bites and Stings

2021-03-15T17:14:15+00:00April 15th, 2021|

While you are trolling past the shady edges of Alabama Bass Trail lakes and rivers, be on the lookout for jewelweed (impatiens capensis), also known as touch-me-nots. The toothed leaves of jewelweed bead water droplets that appear to sparkle when reflecting sunlight, thus explaining its name.  At the base of a jewelweed plant, the stem [...]

Alabama Bass Trail + Art on the Lake = Weekend Fun!

2021-03-15T17:13:36+00:00April 8th, 2021|

Will you be spending the weekend on Lake Guntersville April 17-18? Once you’ve caught your daily limit of fish, enjoy some time onshore in the community of Guntersville. Art on the Lake, sponsored by Twenty-First Century Club of Guntersville, will feature 120 booths full of the works of local and regional artists and craftsmen. The [...]

The Alabama Bass Trail was Made for You

2021-03-15T16:40:00+00:00March 18th, 2021|

Have you grown up fishing or are you just getting started at this hobby? No matter what your level, the Alabama Bass Trail will provide an unforgettable outing. Each of the 13 lakes offers boat access, land access, fishing piers and docks. Catch bass, crappie, bluegill, catfish and more during your visits. Drop your line in [...]

The Great State of Alabama

2021-03-15T16:28:13+00:00March 4th, 2021|

Are you up for an adventure? Are you ready to experience the outdoors but not wanting to travel too far from home? Let’s take a look out our back door and discover why so many people have been Googling Alabama - yes, Alabama - as a destination for their outdoor adventures.   Alabama is home to diverse and beautiful ecosystems that create plenty of exploration possibilities from the [...]

Have You Been on the Alabama Bass Trail?

2021-01-25T21:49:59+00:00January 21st, 2021|

This is the year to enjoy outdoor adventure, to take in the beauty of Alabama and truly explore what this southern state has to offer. It’s filled with natural wonders, multiple lakes and hidden waterfalls. But have you ever mapped out an Alabama vacation? Your first map to follow should be that of the Alabama [...]

Fishing Mitchell Dam in Alabama

2021-01-25T21:37:36+00:00January 7th, 2021|

Are you in need of a new fishing hole? Or should we say a massive lake? You’re in luck because we have just the place for you: Lake Jordan.  This body of water boasts numerous largemouth, spotted and striped bass. As noted in the description on our website, Lake Jordan is “an under-fished lake with plenty of opportunities within its 188 miles [...]

Alabama Bass Trail offers more than just bass
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