Just because the season is changing doesn’t mean it’s time to hang up your fishing equipment. The fall is a great time to do the opposite and amp up your fishing game! The Alabama Bass Trail has a spot for you to find your groove this fall.

The fall brings cooler weather and some great reasons to stay by the water, casting away. Keep your fishing rod out because the fish will typically be biting more in the fall. Fish can sense winter coming and will start to pack on the pounds and eat more, getting ready for winter. This means they will be biting your bait even more! Be on the lookout for schools of baitfish – the bass will be following the schools.

Fall for Fishing

With the fall comes cooler temperatures which means a more relaxing day by the water. Fishing at all times of the day will be more bearable with the lower temperatures. You may even want to spend the entire day by or on the water instead of heading to your fishing hole in the morning or evening to keep cool during the summer months.

The waterways are typically slower during the fall months. With fewer people fishing, your honey hole should always be available for you to cast away. Fewer fishermen and fisherwomen on the water mean more fish for you to reel in.

Enjoy the fall weather and the fall fishing this season! Grab your gear and get out to one or more lakes along the Alabama Bass Trail! Start this new season right; start casting!

Benefits of a Fishing Guide

Along with Fall for Fishing, you should know the benefits of a Fishing Guide.

Take a Kid Fishing, let your children enjoy it, and give them a new experience.