Fishing with Grandpa

2021-02-18T18:30:27+00:00February 4th, 2021|

Guest post by Stephanie Wright Grady “Bud” Hinton, circa 1972 with his grandson Bradley Hinton. When my grandpa died, it was a somber occasion at first. The small, rural church congregation had known “Bud” for seventy-odd years. It didn’t take long before the ceremony got away from the new minister and degenerated into [...]

Fun and Tradition Top Reasons to Fish in Alabama

2018-10-01T13:53:46+00:00October 1st, 2018|

Whether it’s in search of bass, crappie or catfish, in pursuit of trophies or dinner, with your best buddy or three generations of family, fishing is a treasured tradition in Alabama. The Alabama Bass Trail has earned a reputation as home to a top-notch tournament series and record-setting catches. But that reputation was built on [...]

Alabama Bass Trail offers more than just bass
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