Yesterday’s traditions. Today’s adventures. Tomorrow’s memories.
There’s fishing and then there’s catching.
People who know fishing know Alabama has a storied reputation for it. Those who are serious about their fishing know this is the place to catch the big ones.
And people who just love fishing? Well, they’ve found oh so much to love in Alabama!

Gather your crew and hit the Alabama Bass Trail to START YOUR OWN ADVENTURE.
This Alabama tradition is sure to add keepers to your list of treasured memories.
The 13 lakes and rivers of the Alabama Bass Trail offer easy access and plenty of variety throughout the state. From north to south, Alabama has fishing opportunities for both serious anglers and those who love to wet a hook on the weekend. Lakes, rivers, dams and deltas offer such variety of open spaces, protected cover, solitude and adventure that it seems there truly is a spot for everyone. Whether on the lakes made famous for trophy bass and award-winning crappie or at a little-known honey hole catching trout for dinner, fishing in Alabama is a tradition. And it’s a fun one to share!